
After the Debate: What does Biden need to do now? #biden #trump #election2024

What's going to happen in the next week? We don't know, what we do know, for democrats, is they need to focus on beating trump

What do you think?

Written by daily reporters

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  1. REDPILL🔴💯®️ A solution to the problem Donald J Trump 2024 for President of the United States of America God bless Donald Trump🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥🌎. KING TRUMP🫵👑

  2. Most successful president? Based on what metrics?

    I’m out here in the real world, I’m 69 years old, and still working as a truck driver, and I see the effects of his administration every time I fuel up. And what angers me is knowing it does not have to be this way.

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