
Jambareeqi – “My Little Pony: The Movie” (2017) Film Review

I review the "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic" feature film spin off, which has Twilight & friends trying to save Equestria from the evil Storm King.

*Apologies for the two mistakes: Calling the Storm King by the wrong name, and repeating a point twice. I really should have been more observant during the editing stage, sorry.

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  1. I haven’t seen this film but based on the clips of it in this review the animation looks as colourful as that in Friendship is Magic yet more fluid. I’ve seen the 1986 My Little Pony: The Movie that I loved as a kid and I still enjoy it today as an adult.

  2. I went to see the My Little Pony Movie with my aunt and uncle 2 weeks ago and Its pretty good despite it’s flaws! My favorite characters in this film would be Capper and Tempest. (Although I’m betting that Capper is gonna be the next Onceler)

  3. I really didn’t like this film, it’s not the worst animated movie of the year (I think Spark and Leap! (Ballerina) are far worse), but I still thought it was pretty bad

  4. While I’m not a die-hard fan of MLP, I still enjoy the show nonetheless despite the fact I’ve only been a fan for almost a year now. I, too, have some concerns with this and my fears might be coming true. But still, is it still worth giving it a shot just to see how I feel about the movie?

    • Depends what you’re going in for. If you want to see a fun long episode of MLP, then go for it! But, if you’re after a solid stand alone movie or a refreshingly different kind of animated movie, you’ll be let down.

  5. the film was decent and makes a good movie and the songs were entertaining and memorable and the guest stars were there but didn’t steal the show except Tempest, and Grubber and the animation is so bright and colorful and more scope of the world. Also the Tempest story is real and would let people whose friends abandon them feeling you shouldn’t fell down!

  6. Even though I’ve never really seen this show, I think I’ll still try to watch it in the cinema, for a pretty big reason; I wish for the return of western animated movies. This is probably the first one we’ve seen from North America since “The Princess and the Frog”. As much as I like CGI, I’m pretty sick and tired of seeing every damn animated movie that’s not Laika done like this. I wish for the return of variety in cinematic animation; have 2D, CGI and stop-motion share the screen once more.
    And more puppetry. Just less CGI in general!
    I mean, I saw the 1986 Transformers movie without any prior knowledge of the show and enjoyed it. Do you believe the MLP movie is similar in that regard?

    • As I said in the video, I do think that the movie is alienating to those who don’t watch the show. While it is good to support 2D animation, I don’t think we should also encourage toy commercial style filmmaking like this.

    • Jambareeqi That’s a rather good point. But still, I believe the greater good is to have more 2D in the world. Also, I feel like even toy companies warrant some support; since the aparition of tablets, parents are buying increasingly less physical toys for their children in favor of the convenience of having tapping away on a screen. The overuse of touch screens (and overly easy cellphone “videogames”), I believe, limits the child’s sense of touch, and there isn’t much margin for imagination. Toys allow children to really interact with a variety of items, experiment with different textures and, mostly with more anthropomorphic or zoomorphic toys, allows the children to make up stories in their mind.
      Wow, I really went on a tangent, didn’t I? I just really care for kids and their underappreciated mental wellbeing.

    • Toys are great, that’s not the issue, inserting commercials into film narratives is the very definition of manipulative pandering (Emoji Movie anyone?). If you want to support toys, buy toys.

    • Jambareeqi Yeah, that’s a good point there… It really is similar to “the 2017 film which must not be named” in that aspect, as is something like the Pokemon movies, the Moshi Monsters movie and even the original MLP movie from the eighties. So, in all honesty, I agree with all your points here. I just feel like my passion for 2D animation and healthy growth in children is getting in the way…
      In any case, I enjoyed your review and I hope to see more in the future! 👍
      A toast to the hope that they don’t make a Tetris film trilogy! 🍷

    • Glad you enjoyed the video. It’s entirely up to you if you see the film though, you don’t need to find a justified reason to watch it, just decide based on your gut feelings.

  7. While I understand the flaws u have with this film. Personally I still thought it was great. Ok as a film critic I give this film a 6/10 but as a MLP fan I give it an 8/10.

  8. Honestly, the movie was quite entertaining. I liked the introduction of a new race (or rather two races if you count the Hypogriff turned into Hypocampi, which was kinda clever), the plot was fun and had a smooth flow and the animation just took me a few minutes to get used to (ok, minus the huge eyes, it got me some PPG vibes that wasn’t making me confortable) and the antagonist was well-built… well, tempest was, the Storm King was a waste of Ron Perlman’s voice acting since he could’ve used way more development, but I really liked the gruesome way he died, to MLP standarts, that was quite brutal of Hasbro allowing a petrified body to shatter in front of our eyes like that xD.

    Also, the bodyguard ponies reference Pulp Fiction, with one of them having hair and beard like Samuel L. Jackson a shining suitcase as cutie mark xD

  9. Yeah, it was a pretty-looking, 2D toy commercial. The only way you could actually get what was going on is if you checked out the prequel book/comics (a friend of mine got me a copy, so I read that prior to seeing it), but a good movie should work without having to know so much about the source material.
    The plot really could have been so much better had it chosen to be more… unpredictable than the show. It was a lot of fanservice, toy-selling, and another longer episode of the Princess Twilight Sparkle show that could’ve been so much better if it wasn’t so rushed and played to certain story beats.

    I do agree with you – Tempest Shadow saves this movie from being completely awful. As someone who’s seen all the seasons (up to some of the current season, 7) thus far, I can say that she’s one of the biggest threats Equestria has ever had (season 5’s finale villain might be a close tie, though he reminds me of what the Storm King does near the climax here). This could has easily been rewritten as HER story and it probably would’ve been more engaging than what we got.

    At least this is WAY BETTER than its ’86 version in every way possible.

  10. Argh, I wish I could wtch this film while it’s still on the big screen. But I’m only at season 6 right now. The salt is real.

    EDIT: watch, not *wtch, blokehead of mine! Read what you’re writing before posting…

  11. I have no plans to watch this, since I haven’t seen too much of the show. But, that song they used in the trailers, Off To See The World, has been stuck in my head. I’ve been listening to that a ton of times. XD

  12. I’d been waiting for you to release your review, and yeah, my thoughts are very similar:
    I think the route of the problem is that there are just too many characters and just not enough plot to go around. And FINALLY someone else recognizes that the Remane-5 have been horribly dumbed down!!! Although, no, Tempest is far from the film’s ‘saving grace’, she’s cliched even by the show’s standards and her backstory is weak; CAPPER, now, HE is the film’s saving grace!

  13. I am going to pass this film. The movie doesn’t look interesting to me and it does not look like my type of film. I am just going to save my money for Early Man coming out next year.

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