
Trump vs. CNN reporter Staged? False Flag Event to ban “Fake News” later?

Is Trump and CNN working together?

On Jan. 11th, 2017 President Elect Donald Trump held a press conference and bashed a CNN reporter, calling him "fake news," saying he wouldn't answer a question from his organization and so on.
CNN reporter Acosta obnoxiously attempted to get Trump to answer his question, but Trump seemed to win the "battle" all while saying his "organization (CNN) is terrible."

I've seen plenty of footage of the event. I've read many comments from many YouTubers, and I just want to point out the fact that maybe this "live" press conference was staged.

This is just a theory I came up with out of imagination if you believe all the alleged truths about the conspiracy theories.

Maybe CNN and Trump are working together, along with the government to ultimately pass a law banning freedom of the press, take away the public's right to preach news of any kind, and all media will be governed by the USA in America?

Maybe the public is being played into hating CNN and they will get the label as "fake news" and when/if they go down, they will pull down Alex Jones, and other YouTube/Internet News Channels that cover many other-sides-of-the-story including 9-11, Sandy Hook Shooting, False Flag events, and so on.

Allegedly all media in the local news channels is programming the public. I have heard the theories. I have done my research. I do promote the idea to question everything. Although, until we see hard, factual evidence, everything is alleged.

This is just an idea I want you guys to listen to, so that together we are not manipulated and played. Look at things from every angle. Don't be so quick to "side" with someone. Don't be manipulatable.

Be alert. Be aware. Seek the Truth.

What do you think?

Written by daily reporters

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