Montage by Indrani Kopal. © May,2010
Briefly, the Citizen Journalism project is the brainchild of our co founder and CEO Premesh Chandran. With the idea and backed up by a funding from International Center for Journalists of United States, we embarked on the journey of the road less travelled. 6 month down the road we managed to create the pioneer group of Citizen Journalist in Malaysia. They cover many news, right from community news up to political conspiracy and the CJs as we address them dearly, enjoys the adventure and the impact they have brought upon our beloved country.
An example work of our CJ can be viewed at
In order to join us, you need to attend our training which is conducted through out Peninsular and East Malaysia. Once you have attended the training, you will be interning for few days with Malaysiakini editorial team before you can start contributing news.
Please be on the look out for the next training near your place –
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