
Citizen Journalist Takes On Refuse Fascism Protesters

The title says it all. Geez

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Written by daily reporters

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  1. What are there maybe 15 of these psycho protesters? these people get crazier all the time and that seems to be the challenge for them. Good job TrutherTalk getting out there with them and showing what these people really are. Stay safe and keep up the good work.

  2. This is why we need mental institutions again. I’m sorry you had to deal with these mentally deranged people its clear they are of low intellect lacking the ability to think critically.

  3. When will people realize that ANTIFA are literally demon possessed?Humans do not behave that way.They carry themselves exactly as a demon would.Look into their eyes, there is nobody home, only the evil spirit that inhabits them.

CALL TO ACTION for Nydia Tisdale, Citizen Journalists see description

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