
CNN freelance journalist kidnapped

A CNN freelance journalist was abducted in Ukraine and detained by rebel forces. Ivan Watson reports.

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  1. Good, when you CNN people act as propaganda agents rather than proper Journalists you are acting as Enemy Combatants and deserve no better treatment than any other enemy combatant. Journalists report facts and nothing but fact. They don’t editorialize with their own personal beliefs or those of the People they represent.

  2. people would prob care more like the al jazzera 3, or simon from VICE NEWS but… those are legitimate journalist…. then again CNNs obviously gunna use this pity campaign to boost its ratings for survival. i hope that guy gets out tho

  3. All CNN does is spew Obama’s Communistic, PC, (Cultural Marxist) propaganda…Journalist report real News & events that effect your life, family, safety, economy, national security, job & wallet.  You will find no real News on CNN…So in conclusion there are no Journalist at CNN. Actually if you look at the turmoil around the World, you could say CNN is acting as Enemy Combatants by constantly keeping Americans in the dark & there never ending attempt to put Humpty Dumpty (Obama) back together again…Your wasting your time, he is the worst president of all time & the entire World knows he is not looking out for the interest of the United States…All thanks to Non-News outlets like CNN!!

  4. So he got arrested for multiple id’s ok. This is funny and just the other day yesterday RT reported one of their reporters abducted for real not arrested but kidnaped even putin is getting in on it as he was ruiian. I think this is a tit fortat type of thing anything to keep stupid thinking ukrains new gtovernment are he good guys and the east terrorist. You get arrested you are kidnaped you get stoped and checked at a road block you are harassed lol. We no its all the russians fault we get it CNN.

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