
CORRUPT Florida Cop Fired After Citizen Journalist Sends Video to PINAC,HES Abusing Privileges

CORRUPT Florida Cop Fired After Citizen Journalist Sends Video to PINAC,HES Abusing Privileges

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  1. Please show documentation that this individual was fired.
    Also, please explain your rationale behind your confrontational style of ‘getting to the truth’, or ‘holding public officials accountable ‘, or whatever you like to call it.
    I am sure that if approached in a similar manner by a public official, you would not like it, you would not be very forthcoming and you would be annoyed. Right?
    So is it a tit for tat thing, or do you treat all people in public service positions poorly?

    • from the Florida Fish and Wildlife At the time of the incident, Reserve Officer Padilla was working off-duty and was not authorized to use his personal vehicle. As a result, his appointment as a Reserve Law Enforcement Officer with FWC was revoked.At the time of the incident, he was a Reserve Officer 1.

    • mjkmojofool Here’s the thing: there are so many petty, egotistical, and CORRUPT cops, the American people NEVER know what type of cop they’ll get when they get pulled over or approached. So HOW are we supposed to TRUST that the responding officer will do the right thing? WHY should the American people let their guard down because someone in a costume shows up? Remember (and this aint the ONLY one) the cop in Oklahoma that was RAPING women? Remember the cop in Memphis that was getting blowjobs from MEN in exchange for not taking them to jail on BULLSHIT charges? I realize that those are only 2 PIGS, but there are THOUSANDS of stories out there like that! Most of you will say “well thats only a SMALL percent of cops”! IT SHOULDNT BE ANY COP! Dealing with a cop ia like playing Russian Roulette and I for one am NOT willing to risk my life nor my family’s lives on trusting ANYONE that has that much POWER! I’m sorry but trusting ANY cop is something that I’m NOT gonna do………EVER! The majority of these cops get into law enforcement because they had NO authority in high school, they got no RESPECT in high school, and they were too AFRAID to defend themselves! Please believe me when i say that I get absolutely no JOY in feeling this way, but unfortunately, TRUSTING ANY COP IS NOT WORTH THE RISK!

    • I agree, the claims of the video are nor substantiated at all, is just a guy harassing a police officer that was not really doing anything other that sitting in his car. I do not support police, nor do i support people who go around harassing others without a reason, this old video is apparently a fake, as I do not see anything from the uploader defending the claims he made, this is click bait and nothing else.

  2. need to get all these criminals wearing badges fired and replace them with good people who care about the country and its people and who know how to uphold the laws they try to inforce themselves but fail so horrablly at.

  3. Any cop violating any law that they enforce day in and day out, should be fired on the spot. Those who do not obey the law have no business enforcing it.

  4. As sad as it is to say, there are cops out there just looking for a reason to kill anybody they can. Of course, that does not describe all of them. The large majority of police officers are NOT sociopaths at all. They just support their brothers and sisters in blue who are!

    Let this idiot keep harrassing cops out there for no good reason. The odds are very much in favor of him encountering one who will be happy to teach him a lesson he won’t easily forget… assuming he even survives it!

  5. She should have came out with shotgun and killed that cop dead her alarm was going off she would not of got in trouble and we the people would be better off without that scum on the streets

  6. I have to say, at first, I think this is just time wasting, irritating ‘BS’. I guess it is because I am an older person who has been indoctrinated for many years to trust the cops UNTIL I personally experience a reason not to. I probably shouldn’t be writing this because it feels like I am inviting this aspect of corruption to continue. I suppose I trust my instincts or intuition maybe a little too much. I am not saying this citizen did something wrong or something I would never do. Listen, there are quite a few things the cops do, I AINT GONNA DO. So I appreciate them for my own reasons. >> REspectfully.

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