Rebuttal testimony, closing arguments, jury charges, and the verdict in the trial of citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale—arrested while quietly video recording a public campaign rally at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm—in Dawson County Superior Court in Dawsonville, Georgia on Monday, December 4, 2017.
00:00 Day 6 of #Tisdale trial
08:10 Court called to order
25:57 Judge greets and questions jury
26:35 Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens rebuts testimony by organizer, emcee, and instigator Clint Bearden
32:39 Closing argument by Catherine Bernard
1:01:18 Closing argument by Bruce Harvey
1:22:09 Closing argument by ADA Conley Greer
2:17:52 Break
2:25:37 Court called to order
2:29:32 Judge's charge to the jury
2:55:28 Jury enters deliberations
3:28:29 Recess
3:57:33 Bailiff announces: "We have a verdict."
4:05:25 Court called to order
4:08:12 Foreperson hands verdict to bailiff
4:08:34 Sr. Judge Martha Christian reads verdict
Video by James Dunn, Maverick Productions and edited by Nydia Tisdale,
People who are afraid of cameras are a dangerous bunch. It’s a shame they are wasting so much of your time.
Curious to know what the sentence was. This was B.S. did the jury have their head up their A** the whole time. Wow
I believe the sentencing is mentioned on her blog-website.
Jury should be ashamed. Joeja justice on display. They threw up 3 POS charges and got one to stick. Georgia is a cesspool. NT and any other intelligent people should just leave.
I am very sorry to hear about this obvious miscarriage of justice!! An obvious violation of your rights!! This is what is wrong with this country. These “Public Servants” forgot they are suppose to serve the public!! Blue lives DO NOT exist. It is a profession. I guess firefighters should create red lives matter, right? It’s a choice. If they are not in it to serve the public they should quit and go flip burgers. All of them, brainwashed SHEEP! Merry Christmas! P.S. That judge is an IDIOT!
I have contacted the team of 1st Amendment Auditors about what to do about this. Hopefully they will respond. The guilty verdict against Ms Tisdale has a chilling effect on the 1st Amendment. Now, this is not over. With the guilty verdict, this continues. I suspect the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office would get the initial attention, although Sheriff Wooten is no longer there (probably because of this incident). This case is not getting the attention is deserves. We need to now turn up the heat. Perhaps a more appropriate focus of our attention should be the Prosecutors who brought the charges, and proceeded with the prosecution. Perhaps they need to hear from the American people that we cherish the 1st Amendment, and despise those who would trample on our US Constitution. We need to figure out who proceeded with this prosecution. This calls for redress of grievances – perhaps against the Prosecutor(s), who remain unidentified. Sheriff was just a moron. The Prosecutors in this case are the real enemies of American liberty. They should know better than to trample upon our 1st Amendment.
Evidently, Johnny Burt, of Burt’s Farms, was indeed involved in the assault and arrest of Nydia Tisdale. This calls for retribution against Burt’s Farms. If that wasn’t clear before, it is now.
I’d sure like to see Burt’s Farms go bankrupt.
Can someone help me track down the identities of the Prosecutor(s) who pressed this case? They appear to be the ones who trampled our 1st Amendment rights most egregiously.
What country is this, a Republic or a dictatorship, when your right to stand your ground while being an unobtrusive, quiet observer in a public forum and remain observant makes one a criminal? Is not removal of said observer by police, for all intents and purposes, enforcement of PC speech intended to silence the majority?