PART 4 – Nikahang Kowsar (cont'd) – Justice Through Music reports about a discussion panel on "Netizens", citizen journalists, and the fate of Iranian reporters, especially after the brutal crackdown in Iran after the rigged 2009 Presidential election and their brave attempt at reporting the truth. The panel consisted of journalists and professors, and was held at the Kenney Auditorium at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C., and was hosted by SAIS, School of Advanced International Studies, on April 5, 2010.
Guests included:
Dr. Leila Austin – Ph.D. International Studies
Clothilde LeCoz – Washington Director, Reporters Without Borders
Nikahang Kowsar – Iranian Political Cartoonist
Mona Eltahawy – Freelance Egyptian Journalist
Azar Nafisi – Iranian Academic/Writer
Please see:
for more information.
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