
Freelance journalist describes MH17 site

Sabra Ayres describes a disorganized scene as "anybody was able to wander around the bodies" at the MH17 crash site.

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    • +autumn jasmyn


      And they are neither rebels, nor separatist but Ukranian Liberators from NATO occupation. NATO being abbreviation for Nazi American Terrorist Organization.

    • The people that were walking amid the wreckage of MH-17 were probably making sure there was no evidence of the missile with the Russian alphabet letters on it. Or anything that would implicate Russia with the unused evidence (metal remnants from the detonator) that might be obviously visible to someone who does air crash investigations. It may have had identification regarding the factory where and when it was manufactured. So therefore, it could be traced. There may be no evidence or there may be a shred of evidence. It is up to the investigators to examine the remaining evidence. They are very thorough and very smart.

    • +ChernoBill Gates It’s pretty obvious whose to blame pal. One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out it was scumbag militants/Russian rebels/terrorists that pulled the trigger. It’s a matter of elimination just like any investigation. It was a straight act of terrorism. Whomever pulled the trigger knew exactly what they were shooting at. And to prove it was a pack of scumbags that shot it down, they looted the wreckage scene for valuables, money etc. Pure absolute SCUM.

    • Like the USA meddled with the 9/11 crime scene and sent the steel to Malaysia to be recycled before an investigation? So the USA is guilty of the 9/11 atrocities according to your logic here??

    • +Ells Talbott
      The CIA and the Bush administration knew that a second attack on the WTC was being planned. Knew it, suppressed research and translation of evidence even by CIA employees, sent the F16s off in the wrong direction (out over the Atlantic Ocean instead of toward NYC) after the first collision, made sure Bin Laden’s parents made it back to Saudi Arabia that very night… and then attacked IRAQ??? How many Americans thought (still think) Saddam Hussein attacked the WTC? And yes, evidence from the crime scene was rushed away before it could be examined (like, eventually, Bin Laden himself). BECAUSE on p.57 of the Project For A New American Century, in the section about the Ten Year War Plan to gain strategic control over international oil reserves, it says: “A Pearl Harbor-like event will be required in order to initiate this sequences of events… “

    • +Red Gear Get that  stupid looking pacifier out of your mouth and be a good boy, and stop molesting your Barbie doll your neighbours might think you’re the imbecile I know you are. 

    • You are from the U.S.A. and all you can do is put the boot in to your own country. You utter hypocrite. How can you justify such an illogical, irrational, and totally unreasonable claim that Americans are to ‘blame’ for an evil act of shooting down an innocent civilian aircraft out of the sky? You are an utter nutter. You need a one way ticket to kindergarten and start all over again in the sandpit.

    • +Blackscorpion1963
      Put the boot in to my own country, No your stinking political system dose that for you , Your a f..kin mess , and you can blame yourselves for that , keep your mess in America leave other countries alone!

    • because russia along with BRICS and friends have set up their development bank to challenge the world Bank and IMF, all while replacing the dollar as the world reserve currency with Yuan, Ruble and eventually Gold. This is the US government throwing a fit and using its CIA coupe installed puppets in Kiev to False Flag shoot down a plane, blame Russia and start WWIII so the IMF stays in control issuing its SDR’s. Welcome to the NWO

  1. Can’t help but think that Australian PM Abbott & Foreign Minister Bishop are milking this episode for political mileage, for all its worth, on the international world-stage. Their domestic approval rating is way-low, less than one year in Govt, due to gross mismanagement. So, this is a god-given risk-free chance for them to wind-bag endlessly-on, in an empty, ego-driven rhetoric of indignation. But who’s listening ??  Not many.  Not Vlad.  Not the Ukraine rebels …

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