
Gun Rant: Citizen Journalist Goes Off On Mom’s Demand Action

"You should be embarrassed." Citizen Journalists goes off on Anti-Gunners who knitted during the testimony of decorated veterans.

Dateline Sunday, February 7, 2016 – Portland Oregon: I was infuriated Wednesday. While filming the testimony of decorated war Veterans, and hispanic immigrants I notice Mom's Demand Action ignoring the speakers testimony. The main perpetrator was Rebecca Cohen one of their most outspoken members against the Constitution. I took my opportunity the microphone to call out their rude behavior.

I also had a chance to lay into Representative Barton, who couldn't be more put out than to have to sit there and listen to the Citizens argue for their Constitutional Rights. Disdain for the Citizenry would be the only way I could describe his attitude.

In my testimony I point out that by the Bill's own sponsor's figures, thousands of Oregon women would be laid victim to domestic assault, rape and other violent crimes. The Bills sponsor did not hear *any* of the testimony against her pro-rape bill. She had jetted upstairs for her photo op with Governor Brown, who recently had an Oregon Patriot murdered.

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Amrta TV citizen journalist SHAMEER Kollam

Mike Cianciolo Sports Anchor/Reporter Reel September 2016