
Gwynne Dyer — Geopolitics in a Hotter World

Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Dyer has worked as a freelance journalist, columnist, broadcaster and lecturer on international affairs for more than 20 years, but he was originally trained as an historian. He received degrees from Canadian, American and British universities, finishing with a Ph.D. in Military and Middle Eastern History from the University of London .

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    • +Kapitainleutnant *sigh* It’s become a pretty standard trollism to bash Republicans for darn near anything. To which I must reply, who else is there? Consider this, please:
      Greatest Promises Kept by Obama:

      If you have a good candidate, go for it. Just, please, don’t let them keep their emails on a home email server, and don’t ask them what on earth to do with an embassy attack in Benghazi.

      In other words, neither party has a good candidate in my view. Feel free to disagree with me, I don’t mind.

      — thanks,

    • who your president is is a hell of a lot less important than who the members of congress are (state and federal), and thats where the republicans do their real damage.

    • Don’t waste your time arguing. These people are lost and no amount of talk will convince them otherwise. Things will have to play out. Be mentally and physically prepared for collapse and violence coming 20-30 years from now.

    • Lol people are more concerned about short term comforts, conveniences, and safety. Suburbia will grow until we hit these physical limits, we will voluntarily change nothing, it’s how the industrial model works.

    • Ted Talk is a joke, they have a bunch of blowhards with solutions. That one guy who said population would peak has been proven wrong. Doomers aren’t given big public venues, you have to be optimistic to get a Ted Talk.

    • Well, no one has said pop will peak… Though entire developed world is decreasing in population. The only place that is growing are the Mussi world and sub sahara africa. Fertility rate has dropped drastically. Only population growth is via people living longer. But older people put a much smaller footprint on the world as they don’t move around much. Honestly the muslim problem will take care of itself as they grow less than 50% of their food so….. In 100 years when all their oil runs out, the “problem” will take care of itself. It will turn back into a desert without a population. So, only real problem regarding population growth is sub Sahara population…. AIDS is taking care of that problem as well. S. Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania which used to be talked about as booming populations, have their populations dropping drastically due to AIDS as the fools can’t keep their dicks in their pants and their legs closed. Nigeria? The so called giant population boom has 3.2% with AIDS and growing dramatically. Their population “boom” is likewise doomed. So, NO, we do not have a population BOOM problem. Can argue for the total number of humans on earth being too high, but growing and growing? No.

  1. Mr. Dyer was required reading in my Poli-sci courses at King’s College in London, ON (where he attended).  Watch his 1983 documentary “War”.  It is dated now, but excellent.

    • Solutions are too late. What happens is the energy will be diverted somewhere else. Capitalism requires growth in energy, which requires growth in waste heat. Going vegan solves nothing. The only solution would be reduction in population and end to capitalism and industrial life. Since we won’t do it voluntarily, the earth will force population to reduce. If you think we can go on but w green energy and veggies, you are seriously deluded.

  2. The population will go to 11 billion and beyond, new research shows population will not peak. The situation becomes worse all the time, we will crash and there WILL be mass death. People will be in denial until the mass death hits them.

  3. Mass geowngineering will occur, but it will need to be permanent. At some point we will stop for financial reasons, and that’s when the crash will really finalize. All this will happen around 2040-2080, by 2100 the collapse of industrial life and mass death will be largely complete, and earth will have entered a new warmer phase with no polar ice.

    • Higher CO2 levels in the past have come from a variety of sources, depending on which climactic era you are talking about. Primarily, they have occurred due to oceanic outgassing, mass volcanic events and ocean-floor methane release.

      The mechanisms of what happens when you put CO2 into the atmosphere are, at this point, well understood. It’s just that somehow when the source of CO2 is a tailpipe instead of a sea, it becomes ideologically uncomfortable for some people to consider the ramifications.

    • Most people fall into two ways of thinking:

      1. Deny climate change is happening or deny the scale at which it’s happening (most conservatives)
      2. Assume that we will move to renewables and fix the problem (most liberals)

      I believe the scale of the problem is huge, there are no solutions, and we will not be able to adapt beyond 2040-2080. I think we have about 4 more business cycles, then we will lose the ability to deal with these problems, and collapse of global industrial civilization will begin.

      I still think Limits to Growth was the closest to the truth when looking at their collapse scenarios of a mid-21st century collapse due to pollution, population, and resource shortages. People long ago dismissed Limits to Growth, but they will turn out to be correct.

  4. God bless u n ur family, Mr Gwynne Dyer, I m ur Fan on Cyprus Mail NP. Ur all articles have been changing the Mindset of the Rulers, Politicians, Officials and the general public in the World. Therefore I request here to write about the Prisons in Brazil where many incidents happen frequently bcz of congestion in the ward, n Barracks. I dont think Brazil does not have land to build big prisons in open areas n big Barracks. Criminals r to punish bcz they r dangerous in Society but not kill like this n praise the Lord .

  5. So… for as long as I can remember, I’ve looked forward to being a Dad someday. I’ve been feeling a little self-pressure, given that at this point I’m 3 years older than my parents were when they had me (their first kid). But after this video…

    …I’m not in nearly as big a hurry to bring children into this world.

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