
How COVID & Brexit Fuelled Calls for an Independent Scotland – TLDR News


Following the chaos of Brexit and COVID, calls for Scottish independence are at an all time high. In fact the average of all 2020 polls shows a majority of Scotts support independence, only increasing in recent weeks. In this video we discuss what's fuelled this surge, if Scotts really want to leave and if a referendum will be granted.

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  1. There’s also a water crisis brewing in the UK where England cannot meet its fresh water needs without Scotland since Scotland controls about 90% of the UK’s fresh water reserves

  2. I was 16 when the last referendum happened and I was a very strong remainer due to the promise of staying in the EU and the devolution of more powers.
    However since then these promises have been broken and a sheer neglect for our nation and it people by the Conservative Party. We did not vote for them and we did not vote for Brexit! We are being forced into this and I’m sorry to say this is a lot more than 54% of our nation feel this way.
    The way Lockdown was handled by the buffoons down south has really highlighted. Their lack of care and ability to help those in need.
    The Union is done and it’s time to let us take control over our own nation. It doesn’t matter if you support SNP or not. (I don’t) All that matters is for us to stop being dragged down by people who laugh at us anytime we arise an issue.

    • Hollyrood has the power to manage Scotland’s lockdown independently of Westminster. If you’re gonna aim at Westminster at least aim at something they’re actually responsible for.

      Also, devolved parliaments have been a colossal failure, becoming hotbeds for separatist parties that take no responsibility for their devolved powers and just blame everything wrong with the nation on the central government so they can keep lying their way into power. Devolved powers only work when people actually hold those devolved powers to account in the vote and that just hasn’t been happening and educating people on what the devolved parliaments are actually responsible for is something the devolved parliaments are actually responsible for so be it neglect, incompetence, or malice, Hollyrood is fucking Scotland about as hard as Thatcher ever did.

    • @@Bushflare So, you’re arguing in favour of more powers to Holyrood? I’m sure you and Nicola Sturgeon would get along famously on that point.

      Also, there is a sharp difference between the kind of parties governing in the three regional parliaments, with a Plaid Cymru being fairly insignificant in Wales and Northern Ireland being run by unionists that are even more strident than Westminster (the phrase “more catholic than the pope” springs to mind).

      So, the claim devolution = irresponsible separatists in power doesn’t hold up in two out of the three cases.

    • Bushflare my devolved government pays for my entire education, my prescription fees and ensures I will not be a victim of the tory bedrooms tax throughout my life so yes keep bashing devolved governments please xx

    • @@euanwalker922

      No, London pays for those things. Your Devolved Parliament just demands England fork over the money. Scotland will struggle to pay those bills if they leave the UK.

  3. Scotland and Wales no longer have assemblies, Scotland since the beginning of Devolution has had a Scottish Parliament, whereas Wales had their National Assembly for Wales renamed in May 2020, to Senedd Cymru – the Welsh Parliament.

    Only Northern Ireland has an Assembly now.

    • @@arkan2833 we have less nhs services, they are closing hospitals, north wales has received little investment in the last twenty years, rail services are the worst in europe, water lines failing, eletrical outages nepotism, business closures, welsh assembly members being overpaid, closure of police stations, closure of hospitals despite a population increase,
      Letting rural areas be concreted over, cutting disability services, cutting childrens school lunches, increased food bank usage, reduction in benefits, increased council tax, increased income tax based on just living in wales, increased business tax, no council budget,

  4. Imagine being the Prime Minister who oversaw the loss of Scotland… The dude who lost the thirteen colonies doesn’t seem so incompetent now in hindsight… 😂

    • Even with the loss of Scotland assuming Johnson stays on the Good side of Farage and the ERG he will probably be remembered positively by most similar to Thatcher

    • Apparently Anthony Eden wasn’t incompetent at all, he was drugged. Seriously! He was suffering from health issues ever since the 1920s and took amphetamine regularly to get by. Back then amphetamine was regarded as a wonder drug with no negative side effects at all. We know better know of course but hindsight is 2020 and as we all can see far too well these days, 2020 is bad.

    • @@Bushflare No-one said moral failure, the word was incompetence. And it’s not exaclty a weid concept that losing a part of your country is making the politician under which it happened look pretty bad, no matter whether they are actually at fault or not.

  5. The description of the Scottish Parliament electoral system in the video is not quite accurate.
    In reality the additional members are allocated regionally, based on the second vote in those regions.
    The way it was described in the video suggested that the additional members have no geographical ties, which is not correct.

  6. UK: So Scotland, do you want to leave?
    Scotland: It’s a coinflip.
    UK: If you leave, we’ll block your application to the EU.
    Scotland: I guess we’ll stay…
    UK: So Scotland, we’have a plan and we call it Brexit.
    Scotland: …

    • @David of Yorkshire “Scotland has no currency, central bank, balance of payments, plan to prevent blackmail by the oil companies, a bond market – anything really.”

      Slovakia also did not have all these things, but it exists as an independent state from Czechoslovakia. Same thing for Yugoslavia, not even Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia,((we can continue with Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries) they had these things … but they did them.

    • Brexit Campaign: TAKE BACK CONTROL
      Scotland: Good Idea – we’ll take back control and then hand that control to Brussels. If they let us into the EU.
      Brexit Campaign: Yeah, good luck with that!

    • How exactly is Scotland going to gain independence? None of the main party leaders back another “once in a lifetime” referendum, eventually people will just give up and the world will move on. Scottish independence is impossible now, the one chance has gone.

    • @@christopherg2347 Better informed? You mean repeat a referendum when the electorate got it wrong the first time because they hadn’t been sufficiently indoctrinated?

      That’s your idea of democracy, is it?

    • You know what would be an even better idea? Barrier free open trade with the whole world .. which is .. what the EU wants to prevent, and which is one of the reasons for leaving.

    • neuralwarp what kind of barrier free trade with the world exist? I don’t see any in the world which is as equal to EU/Schengen!

      what exist are bilateral agreements and even they don’t match the one like EU.

    • @Tony IN SOUTHWARK The EU has trade treaties with over 80 countries and exports 1600 billion. 16% of UK exports relies on that EU trade treaties. The UK exports 70% of the fish caught by British vessels to the EU, the UK exports 50% of the cars assembled in the UK to the EU. 44% of all British exports go to the EU and 16% through EU trade treaties to another countries and more then 3 million British jobs depend on that. The UK looses jobs, the UK looses tax revenue. The estimation me are that the UK looses up to 90 billion per year when they have no longer membership privileged single market access.

    • Hi, random US citizen here. Could you quit arguing and stay in the EU? We’re trying to build a monopoly on horrible politics here and we don’t want you muscling in.

    • Well yes the market atm. The moment is an employers market and not a workers market which is the main reason why we’re in this mess workforce wise too much immagration causes a lack needed to give a fair wage or working standards as you can take advantage of cheap labour and poor conditions

    • @@darryledxavier6392 Unless they are highly skilled irreplaceable workers it’s always employers market. That’s why we need stronger worker’s rights protections and unions to even the game.

    • @@josephnicholson Yes, and the reason the vote was so close but swayed just into the ‘stay’ category was because we were lied to. We were told that if we left we’d be kicked out of the EU. And now look where we are. It’s outrageous. In the Brexit vote, we strongly voted to remain. As we were promised.

    • @@josephnicholson “Once in a Generation” was the term used. What is a generation? Well the only legal definition with regard to referendums is the good friday agreement which stipulates 7 years minimum between polls. I suspect we’ll see this go all the way to the supreme court.

    • ​@@pamelaatkinsonscats2873 If the Scots want to exit the UK, then I will wave them off and wish them good luck – and ask the government to establish a hard border on the A1. Then we’ll sit back and watch what happens. And what happens will be a shiit-show as Scotland fails to come anywhere near qualifying to rejoin the EU.

      Financially, England would be far better off without Scotland, but we know there are many decent Scots who see themselves as British and would be sad to leave, but majority rules.

  7. At the end of the day it was a long time coming. We have two different governments. Leave the English with the torries and the Scots with the… well nae torries

  8. Having Boris Johnson, someone so disliked by the Scottish people, say we “are not allowed” to have a 2nd referendum is precisely what boosts support for the cause, ironically. Also what boosts support for independence is the folk that say Scotland wouldn’t survive as it’s own country, that we have nothing on our own and rely on the Union, which brought about the pro-indy slogan “big enough, rich enough, smart enough.” It becomes a sense of national pride in that regard to show off all the things Scotland brings to the table, and thus would sustain it.

    • You are right especially during the period of the Scottish Enlightenment. This seems to be a period when we were both competitive and yet mutually productive for the benefit of the whole of mankind. Can we not find that spirit again?

    • @@johnhorn6807 the Scottish Enlightenment occurred after union with England and as a result of it. I say that as someone who supports Scottish independence, incidentally.

    • Questrist yes you are right, I was just trying to point out that Scotland was very prosperous and a source of much wealth in the early days of the industrial revolution. Indeed Glasgow was a mighty city in those days. What I have not yet understood is why we have failed to build upon that success.

    • Well said, NI will have a border poll, and will join The Republic of Ireland. Scottish independence will happen, and it will be the best thing ever to happen to Scotland.

      T wait.


      Ireland will unite, the people of Northern Ireland will see the problems with brexit, and how they will need to have paperwork for goods they produce to be sold in Scotland, England and Wales. They will also have problems selling items to The Republic of Ireland, because of brexit.

      And the religious bigotry of the past is dying. The people of Northern Ireland are voting for the party who best represent their views, religious bigotry was the past, but nit any more.

      Ireland will unify.

      As for Scotland, you know nothing about Scotland. We have a parliament who has the power to run Scotland, education, health, planning, fisheries, farming, water quality, food imports. The only thing we cannot do is defence, some tax and some of the DWP.

      We have a government who cares for the people of Scotland, they are not afraid to admit when they get it wrong, and we have a government who is viewed by 78% of Scottish voters – SNP, Labour, Conservative, LibDems – as a force of good. The ukgov, under the leadership of Boris is sitting at 30%.

      I read a survey that a lot of English people want Nicola Sturgeon as their Prime Minister, when compared to who you currently have.

      Being an independent nation will be hard, we may make mistakes but they will be OUR mistakes, but we shall be a very successful nation. Our failures will be ours but successes will also be ours.

      Scotland will be free from Westminster, we will be inclusive and part of a larger community and England will be left alone if it continues to follow the brexitier path of Boris Johnstone and his party. I truly hope England can see the folly of brexit, it will be your nations downfall.

      As a well known commentator said recently, “The Conservative party under Boris Johnstone has shown that Scottish independence is better and more inevitable than the SNP ever could do by itself.”

    • For anyone who says Ireland won’t unite its pretty likely not garenteed but very likely because most people would rather a United Ireland over a return to conflict.

    • @SUTHRINGA but the number of NI people who voted to remain in n the EU was a large majority. More and more people will vote for their preferred candidate rather than the candidate who was traditionally voted for, and by that I mean the religious divide.

      I know many ‘unionists’ in NI, and they will vote for a united Ireland because it’s the only way to keep NI prosperous as being part of the EU.

      You are deluded, you do ‘t know what people are thinking and saying. Your own prejudice blinds you to what is best for the people who live In Ireland, they are the important ones in this conversation, not your prejudice.


      Not to state the obvious, but The Republic of Ireland is a member of the EU. The Good Friday Agreement was ratified by the EU.

      You continually call the Republic of Ireland a failed state, explain yourself please.

      You keep talking about a religious divide, yes there was that in THE PAST, and it was caused by UNIONISTS who ran the councils, ran the police and owned the businesses.

      Caltholics were not allowed to live where ever they wanted, their homes fell into disrepair, they had the crappy jobs and there was bias in the police and councils.

      Of course, there may still be some bias, but that is now lo longer present at the level it was before.

      When was the last time you visited Northern Ireland, or spoke to someone who LIVES there.

      Northern Ireland may not be prosperous because it was always forgotten by Westminster. It was always an after thought. When Stormont was formed the issues were reduced because the people of Northern Ireland could see that their chosen representatives had a voice, so they had a voice in the places of power.

      Of course the support came from the UKGov, the UKGov had the responsibilities to support every part of the uk, but no matter what gov was in power they were concentrating on England. England is the largest part of the UK, which is understandable. Every UKGov supports the part of the UK which will mean they will get re-elected.

      Oh, thanks for your award. I will wear it with pride.


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