
Interview with Catalan Referendum Citizen Journalist ‘Spain Brings the Pain’ | Greg Shapiro | GSUSE

Interview with Catalan Referendum Citizen Journalist Frank Plant in Barcelona. 'Spain Brings the Pain', or 'Spain Puts the Dumb in Referendum' | 'United States of Europe.' Host Greg Shapiro comments on the Spanish Police Riot at the Catalan Referendum 1 Oct., 2017. Shot & edited by Shapiro. Video images via Lelk on YouTube.

Hi, I'm Greg Shapiro. Comedian. American. Dutchman. I came to Amsterdam to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater, and I never left. Along the way, I've hosted 'Comedy Central News,' I've written a book 'How to Be Orange,' and I've worked side by side with Boom Chicago alumni such as Seth Meyers, Jordan Peele and Jason Sudeikis.

Yes, I'm the voice of Trump in the 'Netherlands Second' video from 'Zondag Met Lubach,' with 50 million views.

I'm now working on a 'Daily Show for the EU' called 'United States of Europe.' And I'm co-host of 'The Amsterdam Comedy Podcast.' It's all free. Please subscribe! It really helps.

What do you think?

Written by daily reporters

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  1. Putting the pain in Spain?
    The pain in Spain fall mainly on the heads of Catalonians
    And in front the TV cameras, its not good, the Spanish government need a good PR/fake news provider/a little bit on the far right millionaire
    I think I have a Bob Mercer business card somewhere.

  2. Look at IBEX to see the -5% was shaved off within 36 hours. Investors rather leave Spain than associate themselves with an authoritarian government of low-level blaaskaken referring to an in Spain non-existing “democracy”….

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