
#JUmed140 Citizen Journalism Hangout

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The #JUmed140 Citizen Journalism Hangout:

Judson University students will be participating in a virtual Q and A session over the internet on Thursday – taking a look at some recent developments both domestic and international – seeking to discover more about the emerging role of the citizen journalist as enabled by modern technologies, both challenges and opportunities.

Scheduled to join the chat (besides the Judson University Media 140 class and other Judson students) are:

DeRay Mckesson, (@DeRay) an education professional who is also an activist on the ground in Ferguson, MO., co-publisher of #fergusonfireside newsletters and chats, and a citizen journalist discussing modern events as he sees them unfold.



David Carson (@PDPJ) who is a staff photographer for the St. Louis Post Dispatch and was embedded with police during some of the Ferguson protests. His photos were used by Time Magazine and others to represent what was going on visually during the protests.


Andy Carvin (@acarvin) was formerly with NPR as senior product manager for online communities, recently published a book covering some of his experiences curating citizen journalists from the Middle East called "Distant Witness" and now works for First Look Media.


What do you think?

Written by daily reporters

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