
MaYoMo – Citizen Journalism News

MaYoMo ( Map Your Moments ) is a video-centric social news network for mobile citizen journalism. Our contributors and users include citizen journalists, bloggers, journalism students, experienced independent journalists and NGO's from all over the world. In other words, if you are aware of your surrounding life and you need to express your point of view on certain topics or events, you are more than welcome in our network.

MaYoMo enables its users to ask for news and information from any corner of the world. Whenever you have a question about some event that you've just heard of or read about e.g., you can easily place a request in a country from MaYoMo's world map and ask what happened, when or where. Users from that region can possibly help you out by providing you any information available. This is how we let you get involved in the global events not only by witnessing, reporting or commenting them, but also by digging them out right from the place they have happened.

As we know many people nowadays spend most of their time in virtual worlds, rather than in the real life, we've built them a special continent on our map. "Virtu" is the virtual continent where users can ask for news or send reports about events in worlds like Second Life, World of Warcraft and dozens more.

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Written by daily reporters

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Jan Gan Man Ki Baat, Episode 93: Rajya Sabha and India-China Standoff

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