
Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently Pt. 2: Syrian Citizen Journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza Speaks Out

– Extended interview with Syrian citizen journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza, co-founder of the group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently.

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    • You need to go back to school my friend. This channel might be left leaning but my guess is that it’s not her liberal economics that bother you. It’s that they’d air anything that doesn’t paint Islam in a good way that gets under your skin is it not? So be honest about it what’s getting your goat.

    • I voted for Trump and I will tell you why. Because politicians keep playing games with us. The Republicans think they had the religious right in their back pocket because the abortion issue would keep them scared enough to ever vote for a democrat. Democrats thought they could throw around terms like “racist” and “bigot” and nobody would question them. Well Bernie Sanders and WikiLeaks changed the game. Don’t blame the current problems on the people who spread the truth. Blame the corrupt political system that had the country hungry for something different. Part of the reason people voted for Trump was as a “punishment” to politicians. The idea was to shake things up.

  1. Russia only attacks hard targets,never housing areas,they put all aircraft videos for public scrutiny,this guy is probably like SOHR moderate head chopper friendly

  2. You guys are all crazy , this fellow is a wonderfully charming human being & you all must just be jealous .. I think he sounds sincere & he also reminds me of the kindly Father Sarducci , some of you will know who I’m talking about , & you know who you are ! =) 😎

  3. Like, right now watching like an execution video is like watching like a football game…otherwise, we’ll ended up only with ISIS propaganda and the government’s propaganda…Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently

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