President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign released an ad Tuesday, calling out Democrats who sat in silence during Trump’s State of the Union speech while the rest of the country celebrated America’s success.
While Trump delivered a speech in Ohio on Monday, an audience member shouted “treasonous,” in reference to the Democrats’ actions at the SOTU, and Trump responded, “Someone said ‘treasonous.’ I guess, why not? Can you call that treason? Why not. I mean, they certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.” Thank you Infowars.
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*No proof that the DNC servers were hacked.* Hitlery and the Dirty Dems NEVER turned the DNC servers into U.S. authorities. Let’s see the event viewer logs, firewall logs, and VPNs that were used. C’mon Mueller, issue a warrant to recover the DNC servers! Call in Hitlery and Podesta for questioning under oath. If they destroyed their servers, you’ll charge them with obstruction of justice, right? Order them to turn over their evidence of “Russian hacking”.
The real question is… Why is more than half the U.S. population ignoring this overlooked fact? *The DNC servers were never turned into U.S. authorities. You can not prove or disprove hacking or an insider (S.R.) uploading the emails without examining the servers.* There should protests and petitions for Mueller to demand that Hillary or Podesta turn over their servers to the FBI. The govt is supposed to work for us. We must demand the truth.
if you give the information to someone else, you leaked it
44 views and 57 likes???
Crypto Wookiee now it says 700 something views and almost 300 likes
gg gg eeewww!!!
Crypto Wookiee lol~screwtubeitis 💩& 😈at work.
Now it’s 26k views, 4k likes, & only 25 thumbs down.
Would love to sit and have a cup of coffee with you and shoot the bull, probably turn into a pot of coffee tho haha
Do you have a problem with enjoying a cup of coffee with the down trodden? Find your place and be asked to be elevated.
Bureaucrats and mass media have sold us out for meaningless and unethical narcissism.
And a whole lot of money.
You are on fire and loving every minute of it! Salute!
lol hes my favorite “russian bot” or whatever those idiots on the left say to refer to anyone intelligent
Sound just like Snowden
I get called a Russian bot too!! Wear it like a badge of honor.
Thank you….
If you really want to know what the “Cleptocrats” are up to, listen to what they are accusing their opponents of doing.
Carex Pendula right out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook
Hillary has that process down.
Absolutely, projection is their hallmark signature.
Right on Lionel right on yesterday is today’s tomorrow hope they get them quicker hope they had them yesterday cuz I’m waking up today thank you thank you thank you!
Why do pundits give FBI line agents a pass? They did nothing wrong, right? Sorta like the prison guards at Dachau and Treblinka? It’s surely not their fault they didn’t do anything about the criminality they most surely knew about, right? It was only those few bad apples at the top, right? Gimme a break.
Like that fine, upstanding FBI agent that escorted the jihadis to the Draw Mohamhead contest in Garland TX?
Careful… the truth is now an act of sedition.
Pez Pez I crossed that bridge long ago. When there are no bigger fish to filet, I’ll be waiting.
FBI used Carter Page then turned on him when he expressed pro-Russia sentiment. The FISA title 1 was to check if he was turned to a double-agent.
What is FBI even doing in Russia?- FBI is domestic law enforcement. Where is CIA?
Talk about foreign entanglements- Manafort and Podesta are in Ukraine staging a coup against their duly elected President Yanukovych with the help of Hillary’s State Department at the same time Page is working in Russia to get a pipeline through Ukraine to supply EU.
When the government shuts down on February 8? – I say changes the locks on FBI, CIA and all intelligence agency buildings- give all employees pink slips and lock them out until they can all be individually vetted; and then slowly build back up one agency that serves the president and not their own interests.
Rlee bert Carter Page is a F.B.I undercover agent, Clinton controlled top F.B.I, wanted dirt on Trump, Told her minions, they already had Page in place so pretend he’s a boogie man ,lie to the court, and get the surveillance on Trump, so you can screw him ,
Rlee bert no…Page was an FBI plant that infiltrated the Trump campaign
Rlee bert, yet six months before he was the star witness to getting two Russian spy’s locked up
Thank you, Lionel, you are a treasure.
How the “F” do you have to surveil a guy since 2013 and NOT come up with anything???!!! Was Page a “plant” to taint the Trump campaign? Hmmmm.
ucouco78 – my understanding was that he was a volunteer.
you got it! not only that but to take down the presidency. the leftist Dems/MSM thought they can get Americans to hate Trump so much, that whatever lie they told the public they’d believe it. Dangerous times fighting for the Republic. Welcome to our second civil war. God bless us and look over America.
He was a plant initially, i believe, but then they burned him (patsy) to push the piss dossier. He did not take very kindly to that.
FBI is mindblowingly corrupt and can justify any of their treasonous lies n subversion …..
I agree Trump should NOT fall into this obvious trap. It shows that Mueller and The Deep State have zero on Trump’s Collusion with Russia. We also know our “hero” is extremely Egotistical and believes that TRUTH will prevail and he can clear himself by sitting down with Mueller under oath. BIG mistake. He loves to talk and it will only get him in trouble. Ok, the God as described in the Bible is a fiction but don’t give up on Source, the Life Force within us all….Lionel, you’re needed…
saintcruzin It’s a real shame your life force is going to leave you one day. Then what? Jesus was not as stupid as most. He was well aware of that. He said. “Repent because the end is at hand. He who believes in me will never die.” The sub quantum world of the spirit seems to be out of your circle of knowledge. The God of the bible is being described by muppets for sure but He is real and He can give you eternal life. Choose!
Russell K. Bonney Life Forces and Jesus are one and the same….
The Trump plan is a systematic takedown on a daily basis of the phony narrative. Every day we get a “Hellfire missile” dropped…yesterday it was the Grassley Memo…today it`s the Strzok texts leading to Ovomit. If Mueller gets too close to Trump…the “Nuclear Bomb” will drop.
saintcruzin This is the problem with just having a talking point unrelated to facts. It’s just blind opinion. Jesus is a fact… Life force is drivel. Got it? Think man!
A few months ago when Alex Jones was throwing around the expression “Treason” like confetti, I considered it to be the typical over-the-top carry-on by Jones, and I dismissed it as the usual Jones’ hyper-response.
As it has turned out and become clear over the last few weeks, I was wrong and Jones was right. Given what has now been reported – and is not denied by anyone – what has gone on is corruption at least by the highest echelons of the FBI and the DOJ and others, but given that it has been directed to overturning a President directly elected by the US people, the expression ‘treason’ is not a ridiculous thing to call this at all. In fact, I am not sure what else it can be called. It is clearly, on the face of what has been reported, treason. Pure and simple.
The question is: When will heads roll, and whose heads will they be?
Gregg Trump has to work slowly. The swamp is deep and wide. If he doesn’t do it without true unbiased evidence, the Dems and MSM will fiercely retaliate.
Greg James Stand up and Take America Back. The North fought the South. Now it is time for The People to fight the treacherous swamp members.
No heads have rolled for JFK! WTF!!!!!
Alex is correct far more often than he is wrong.
We love you up in Canada!! Trump nation is alive and well up north:)
Shannon White Some Canadians are woke.
Right on Canada! Good stuff
Sadly the Canadians have a white Obama in charge. Hope you guys get a Trump clone next time…
Lionel…you are a cocktail 🍸 of BRILLIANCE + TRUTH + HUMOR…that I simply love to get drunk on, daily.
Well stated Kim Charette.
I prefer to smoke him
Thank you! Trump et al are pulling off the biggest sting ever. The Mother Of All Stings! Truly 4D chess, and truly magnificent.
It gets even better! Was listening to a guy on Fox News, who was retired military intelligence, who says the first FISA warrant was denied but 3 FISA judges that were just so happened appointed by guess who’s rapist husband, over turned the decision behind the other judges backs, yes indeed! Oh just loved the tsunami warning today! Took one look at the warning and said fake news!
I hope this all comes out a d is not pushed under a bush.
Yes, Lionel, there is a God. You just cannot see Him because of all of those damned Chem Trails. I remember that we also have stars in the sky! I sure do miss seeing them. At least the Lord God will be here soon. Try not to be sassy…remember, He won’t be in a very good mood seeing the huge mess mankind has made of the beautiful world He created for us.
mildred gilmore I believe God is here and his hands are all over this! 😉
Please offer your direct expertise as a prosecutor. Love your expressive personality