Big Picture Interview: Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy joins Thom. Donald Trump supporters are now organizing a voter intimidation campaign in public. Is this about stopping voter fraud or waging a war on democracy itself?
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You are not telling the truth.
Margie N How so? There is no voter fraud. The only fraud going on is the kind the right manifest for themselves. Aren’t you sick and tired of all the obstructionism the right has been doing? This country is in the shitter because of it. Not because Obama has done a bad job. The right’s plan for the last eight years has been to obstruct. They think if they screw things up enough people will beg them to take over. The sad reality is that the average working class people are the ones paying for it. Do we really want to reward people who use thuggish tactics to get there way?
Margie N it’s scary how this guy can go up here and bullshit to all these far leftist morons.
That’s why you need a federal voter registration system and take it out of the hands of the states. Placebo votes make them think they got rights again. No democracy in your country, the panicked center of your country will have you in a dictatorship within the next 10 yrs.
what about the”democratic” primaries? DNC officials resigning in disgrace for rigging the election? stealing the election from Bernie? Did I only dream this, or is your memory so short when it comes to corrupt Killary?
That’s Election Fraud.
You know you must use precise terms.
Why I explain when FOX and media tell of total of 700 people KILLED/DIED then talk of black people, they Never explain that those are numbers from all people, suicides and accidents.
They already told you it was the total so why would you think all was murders by black people?
The trick is to start talking about black people and never end the story of total numbers killed.
Joe Lafrite Thom would never allow that on his channel
Watching the vote, watching the ballot box and watching the count is a right. I’m going to vote right for the first time in my life, and all because Dirty Killary cheated Bernie out of his rightful nomination. We have to stop this, and insults from “Corrupt The Record” Hillbots only help me in getting over the nauseating feeling of having to vote for Trump.
no evidence of voter fraud in the primary…
there was evidence of election fraud. they are not the same thing.
Baseless accusations? Yup!
I heard Trump say, “Watch those niggers and wetbacks!”
That’s more Hillary’s style!
project veritas???? bernie sanders voter fraud??????
Angelle – ica
-That’s how you pronounce it 🙂
Same old s**t! EVERYTHING that the Democrats have been guilty of, they all pivot around and blame on Trump. All that Trump and his supporters are doing is legally, peaceably, and decently trying to STOP THE STEAL!
“Voter intimidation” has been EXCLUSIVELY a Hillary campaign move. Poll watching is NOT voter intimidation!
No surprises here!
Trump supporters are idiots and peace and decency have nothing to with either
+Hicks Jeff
Me too! LOL!
THIS is their idea of conversation, controversy, and exchange of opinions. Defamation, empty ad hominem assertions, and personal abuse.
…and they call US “idiots”???
when you can stop talking through your arse, we can all look at the truth and proof there is emails and found filled ballots in storage, about 12 boxes I believe. and that was just one location in storage. this is just bullshit propaganda.
Go Donald go and kick the s… out of them from Canada
There are millions of Puerto Ricans in the USA that can’t, by law, vote on USA presidential elections, but they are! They can vote on primaries yes, but not on the presidential elections… but since they have SSN they are all voting. Call it fraud or whatever you want but this is happening and nothing is being done about it. I am talking about millions of illegal votes here…
How would ‘they’ hide electoral college votes from PR?
i hope niggas from the hood kill every supporter who show up…
won’t happen but the same won’t happen to you and yo sheet wearing friends if y’all dont step on unfamiliar terroity. you feel me pilgrim….
haha….you better hope there’s enough you snow monkeys to counter the multiculturalism effect thats about to fully sweep you pale species from the majority….this could be it for the white nationalist party call the republican party. its about to split into half with trump taking you deplorables and paul ryan taking the rest. i wish y’all the best….
How??? minorities and women are not going to flock to him. he’s underperforming mitt romney so that doesn’t say much….
i seen that and it might not have anything to specifically do with her. they did mention something about Anthony wiener and his ex wife. the investigation won’t start until months after the election.
Thom. You have completely lost what little credibility you once had. All you are doing now is giving RT a bad name.
Seriously, RT, get rid of this guy.
And what are the Democrats doing to prevent this?
As a demockery we are not going to have rights soon with people like trump trying for dictatorship.
Obviously he didn’t see the Project Veritas videos when it comes to electoral fraud.