
Entebbe airport in Uganda discrimnates against Muslim Hijabi Women.

القصة انو بمطار انتيبي ب اوغندا جماعة مكتب الPassport control بدن يجبروني اشلح الحجاب كرمال الصورة للفيزا. شوفوا الفيديو شو صار.
The whole story behind the humiliating treatment I got at #Entebbe Airport #Uganda where I was forced to remove my Hijab for a biometric photo..but IT DID NOT GO THEIR WAY. WATCH AND SHARE!

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    After a 12 hour flight from Beirut to Qatar and then from Qatar to Entebbe, Uganda to participate in a conference about the challenges of water substainability in the Middle East, I was stopped by the immigration desk at Entebbe airport and was asked to REMOVE MY HIJAB so they can take a biometric photo of me for the visa.
    1. I have ROAMED THE WORLD and not one airport or embassy has EVER asked this if me.
    2. I made it clear that they should have asked that in the online application oirn I completed in Beirut so simply I would NOT HAVE COME.
    3. I completely refused to do so in front of tge lines of people standing there and was treated very disrespectfully..did I demanded and immediate exit from the airport to return to Beirut asap.
    4. The last straw was an nice Chinese lady who lended me her umbrella and I aske for a women security agent to take the picture. VERY DIRESPECTFUL AND HUMILIATUNG AND THIS HAS TO STOP NOW.

    • Marwa Osman. I think this is an over reaction. What you are not saying is why you were asked to take it off! If it is for security purposes then Ugandans have a right on how, where, when or what they can ask you to do! By the way a couple of years a Somalia murderer, who killed a British citizen eluded British security by wearing hijab and walked past police from the mosque. Later arrested in Somalia! Ug is predominantly kafir nation as you choose to call us. Stay in moslem countries!

    • +stephen nsubuga – Great point Stephen (I agree with your line of thinking), bottom line is RULES ARE RULES (Kaffir Nations or otherwise. Non Muslim women have to cover their heads in Many Muslim countries, where is the Outrage! Special Rights is what some people/Groups want not Equal rights).

      Also you are right Arab nations treat Non-Arab Muslims like sh*t. Especially Black and Dark Brown South Asian Muslims… In fact there was some in the UN call Genocide in Libya in 2011/2012, where the Arabs almost/nearly wiped out a Black Libya Tribe/Group! No outrage their…. Stephen I am guessing you are a guy… She is just another princess that wants special rights/privileges and no responsibility!

      The bottom line is due to Terrorism (Mostly Islamic) even Western Countries are getting far tougher on Immigration/Border Checks and Religious attire. I have seen in the US and Europe many Muslim women and a few Jewish/Christian women (the small % that cover) removing their Hijab/Head Scarves to go through *Enhanced Security Checks*. I see NOTHING wrong about asking someone to take of (Non-Sexual, so not covering your private parts/thighs/torso/chest and stomach area) to do additional security/screening.

      All would say is I am pretty sure the US and some European Countries have made public additional/enhanced screening. I just think Uganda should clearly state during the Visa Application process that folk may have to go through A
      Additional/Enhanced Security Screening.

      Finally Stephen I have also seen and read some Muslim men us the Hijab/Burqa as a cover and they have Robbed banks/businesses and carried out terror attacks. The reason being is, folks generally feel a “women cannot be a terrorist” and therefore tend to reduce their guard! So some men abuse this!

  2. I’m sorry you went through this Marwa, but with groups like Al-Shabab and other radical Islamic groups in Africa, security is tense, look what is happening to Nigerians. Ugandan Muslims are treated no differently in Uganda than the Christians are. Yet again, Uganda is an odd country in terms of their rules..

    • Marwa Osman, you have my full backing for your stand against that pathetic woman, she did it on purpose, Because they usually dont do that in Uganda, My sisters wear Hijab and we often travel to Uganda, no one ever asked my sisters to remove Hijab, I believe she picked up on you, Thanks for exposing her luck of understanding and incompetent.

  3. you have an attitude of entitlement: Uganda has their own laws like Lebanon. All the comments about this video referring to racism is laughable and down to ignorance (12 % of the population are muslims and do you remember about Idi Amin ?

  4. That was an odd experience and I really feel for you. She could have gotten any female reservation agent to escort you to a nearby room, take the pic fast and get things done. Marwa you’re right when you say you wouldn’t unveil your hijab amidst thousands of people esp when it has never happened before. Anyway that was one of those ‘days’ at the airport where things get a lil bit tense but my credit goes to that anonymous Chinese lady. What she did should set an for all of us. Let’s be kind to one another and always render a helping hand. Osman, I do have a suggestion ..have you ever thought about carrying a small umbrella with you esp when you’re visiting places you’ve never been to. I mean you could use it just in case you ever go thru the same experience(which I don’t wish fro you) and it would save you. Anyway I’m very proud of my country and I love my country. Uganda is a very beautiful country that is still young & steadily growing. I’m very aware of our tiring airport services but there’s always room for improvement and this shouldn’t stop you from visiting again. Uganda is a free country and we highly respect all religions & their traditions.

  5. Assalam hun. I am a muslim ugandan woman. I live in uk now. I understand your frustration unfortunately uganda is very backwards in this issue they actually ask you to show your ears as part of your profile which is laughable and sad i was intimidated into showing my face to a man when I could have had a lady. I should mention i wear a face veil and I travelled uk, dubai, Netherland but was never required to show my face also even the times I was asked I was taken somewhere private. i understand your frustration. may Allah reward you for your courage ameen

  6. By the way all that drama happened when i travelled on my ugandan passport. last time i travelled on my British and guess what no drama. If i remeber correctly they didnt even ask to see my face

  7. I am a Muslim and they are treated like in this way….no surprise to that. But in the same time I personally don’t find this as an issue for showing your head for a quick photo connected to Immigration formalities. Afterall they are not gonna publish your photo everywhere!. Also I am south Indian who visited Beirut many times and the attitude towards Indian people by Lebanese are ridiculous. Lebanies people love westerners and their culture so much irrespective of their religion. Those Indians visited Lebanon knows. May Allah help people to treat all person as a human kind irrespective of race, religion,culture bla bla bla.

    • Mujeeb Kabeer your comment makes zero sense. and if you met Lebanese who are racist what does that have to do with me. i will NEVER take off my hijab for any reason. Let them announce it on their website and i will NEVER visit the country again. now preach again what YOU feel towards MY hijab. smh

  8. its a petty that u experienced such but that does not justify you labeling Uganda as a discriminating country. A single act from one person does not mean every one had a hand in it, perhaps she felt there was need for such strict measures regarding security and you never wanted to comply. I am sure as journalist you know ethical communication methods but from your video i don”t see that.

    • Katungye Johnson if you read my commnets you would understand what I went through and you would realize that after 3 hours ot was obvious WHO was blocking my entry..and it was NOT the lasy at the counter..yet her manager. the lady at the counter was very helpful yet the manager only wanted money. you made me say it..i made sure until now not to say that.

    • with that i agree but its now clear that Uganda is not discriminate among people. Some corrupt officials just wanted to take advantage of you . Sorry that you went through that experience but as a used you are a journalist always put out the story as it was with out leaving any facts out.
      i am a Ugandan although am currently leaving in United Arab Emirates that is why i follow up on what people think about my country.

    • No need to bend low brother , security is security , if am at once psychologically suspected to be having something under my pants at any airport and asked to strip , i will because it is the law and security. sooo Uganda officials did their job very well to make you wait , we are Africans but also have our laws and both ears must be seen in the pic . ja follow or pack and go back. we need help but must not be stepped on. It has nothing personal or racial but it is a security measure.

  9. I feel sorry about that underwent through on that day but remember some countries have their own way of handling things…Uganda is not that a Muslim country so, don’t expect to be given much attention to what you request about when it comes to security and at times it depends on the person you find on the counter if she was a Muslim like you I bet she would pity you but, try to understand my dear ‘every country it’s own rules’
    Uganda is not Europe or Middle East.

  10. Am from Ug but am very sorry for what happened to you. But I don’t know what happened to our country because i also know that that’s not good for a woman especially a Muslim lady. Sorry dia.

    • Eyezerk ferraro no need for any apologies. Uganda isa beautiful country and its people are generous loving people. Corruption is found everywhere and I understand that it could have happened in a different way..but hey.. c’est la vie.

  11. That’s really very unfair to be discriminated coz of your religion and am sure Catholic nuns are not treated that way.if countries in Europe issues the visa with hijab what the hell is wrong with uganda? a third world country in africa with abject poverty. Shame on them have they been compromised by trump the filthy bigot savage Nazi from Germany? Muslims are proud of their religion and enough respect and thumbs up for MUSLIM sister from Beirut Lebanon.

    • mohamed jaamac ViVA ajuuraan empire the country is a beautiful one and its people are generous and loving. The only problem is with non sensical policies..when one obviously goes through airport security x-rayed and double searched by women there is absolutely no need to require taking off hijab and esp for a visa.

  12. I am Ugandan but British born and raised and I wear a hijab as I am Muslim. Ugandans are not racist or discriminate. We all are different religions and Uganda was once a Muslim country. Maybe this woman is just doing what she is told and has nothing against you. Every country is different. Or maybe she just doesn’t understand, educate her. Don’t just assume she is racist or doesn’t like Muslims. You think just because you have travelled to western white countries and you expect Uganda to be the same? You have been used to priviledge so for the first time you things may not have gone your way, suddenly uganda is racist? I could equally reverse the roles and go to Lebanon and have every hate me all because I’m Black. Arabs have a reputation ford hating blacks but that doesnt mean we get to speak for every arab.

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