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In December of 2015, a Polish-American freelance journalist who's also a local politician went to cover a small #BlackLivesMatter protest in Scranton Pennsylvania, which by the way IS an open-carry state. But the vile racial hatred he received by #BlackLivesMatter protesters & white anti-white racists within the movement once again reared its ugly head showing the real side of #BlackLivesMatter. They were protesting for the release of CONVICTED COP KILLER & former Black Panther, Mumia Abu Jamal aka Wesley Cook who ambushed, shot & killed a WHITE police officer named Daniel Faulkner on December 9th, 1981 when officer Faulkner pulled over Jamal's brother, William Cook for driving the wrong way down a one way street. William, who witnessed the murder NEVER testified on behalf of his brother during any of the trials.
After his conviction in 1982, Mumia Abu Jamal sat on death row for nearly 30 years. On December 7th 2011, just a few days shy of the 30th anniversary of officer Faulkner's murder, it was announced with officer Faulkner's widow Maureen, that the death penalty was removed off the table & instead Mumia Abu Jamal will spend the rest of his life in prison WITHOUT the possibility of parol. Just like those in the 'Free Mumia' campaigns/movements, #BlackLivesMatter has now joined forces in demanding the release of this convicted cop killer. This is the 2ND CONVICTED COP KILLER the #BlackLivesMatter movement openly advocates for & stands in solidarity with. The other cop killer is Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who's the inspiration behind #BlackLivesMatter according to the 3 black radical militant co-founders of the movement.
Mumia Abu Jamal became somewhat of a celebrity prisoner & was named a 'political prisoner' by his minions. He did a pre-recorded commencement speech for Goddard College, made numerous audio recordings as a so-called journalist & soaked up all the media attention that came his way, all while sitting on death row! But while the media focused on this convicted cop killer & his herds of minions, many forgot who the real victim in this case was; officer Daniel Faulkner. His widow Maureen, spent those last 30 years fighting with everything she had to get justice for her police officer husband who was murdered in cold blood by former Black Panther Mumia Abu Jamal.
By a miracle for some, a filmmaker who is BLACK decided to make a documentary about the case of officer Daniel Faulkner. Tigre Hill spent 4 YEARS making this incredible documentary while educating himself with every bit of informational facts about the case. He called it 'The Barrel Of A Gun' & released it in 2010. For pro-police supporters, it was an amazing documentary & this black filmmaker was looked at as a hero by many for bringing facts to light that supported the side of police. But when Tigre Hill concluded in his documentary that Mumia Abu Jamal had indeed fired the fatal shots into officer Faulkner's body, he became something of a hate figure for the black so-called radicals & their braindead white leftwing fellow travellers. Those in the 'Free Mumia' campaigns/movements branded him a race traitor & an 'uncle Tom' vowing to never accept him in the black community after the documentary was released.
A blog written on May 10th, 2016 shared information from Johanna Fernandez who's not only an activist, but leads 1 of the free Mumia movements. She's the 1 who helped deliver 'get well' letters to Mumia Abu Jamal that a first year 3rd grade teacher made her 8 year old students write to him when he was in the hospital due to diabetes. Johanna is putting a new book out of compiling essays written recently by Mumia Abu Jamal. Here's a direct quote from Johanna Fernandez- " Mumia Abu-Jamal does not languish in prison because of a wrongful conviction. He continues to serve time locked in a steel cage because of the US Empire's need to repress the memory, ideology, and practice of the Black Liberation movement that he helped, and still helps, lead."
So, convicted COP KILLER Mumia Abu Jamal CONTINUES to help lead The Black Liberation Movement which is the SAME movement all 3 black militant #BlackLivesMatter co-founders said they are working to tactically re-build with their movement. The Black Liberation Movement is based on black theology which is RACIST!
American Blacks, the only race that excels at being hated by eveyone.
+Carla Bunn You say you care….!!!
If you care…Look. I’m in a destitute situation…Deported from the states…
I’ve no family. No one to turn to….
I’m not trying to argue…..
All I’m asking. Is a simple question…
It sounds. Like you wanna help me….
I’m not asking for much…
A couple a things if you can send me from the states…!!!
I-be happy….!!!
I can give you a post office mailing address….
With my. Full name….
+Carla Bunn Immigration paper work. My green card expired. &-I’d never reported back to update it…!!!
+Carla Bunn Listen. Before you ask me any, God damn-more fucking questions….
I’ll just be more than God-damn happy. For you to respond back. Telling me that you can’t fucking help me…..!!!
Like I said. I God-damn truly fucking you would-of-have never asked me. that fucking question…..
Straight up…..!!!
Free Mumia and BLM aren’t the same thing.
+86Wutang86 You can think that all you want but when you realize you’re being duped, don’t come crawling to those who told you the truth. George Soros (a known CIA informant, Jewish operator and Zionist infilitrator) has over 85% control over the Vatican–sponsored Black Lives Matter terrorist group.
+86Wutang86 Touche.
sad I was at Ferguson helping protest 38th the blm movement never thought they would have turn to this y’all remember blm we anonymous was there for you and trying to stop this hatred and become united what y’all have become is sad not all blk people are like this they don’t want to be a part of this movement
+Nyxi There is no one anonymous. Who the original is, has become irrelevant. Anonymous is a movement of sorts.
+Googlesux Bigtime yeah, i get it. i was on the internet before 4chan existed. i’ve been around. it’s not really a movement
You didn’t know, I felt bad for them at first. Now I don’t. They only want their evil to continue. Not all blacks are bad, I have some black friends that are against this group. They are mostly Attorneys and Doctors, and they have Love for all people. I also feel sad for the good blacks, they don’t want this, the ones I know are loving people. Not like this at all.
+Googlesux Bigtime if you remove the label, it’s just people stealing info. it’s a good idea for morons to conform to so they think they’re fighting something.
those white fuckers supporting these apes need to be hung.
mental illness is rampant in my race, the black race.
+Roycee Royce lol yes the overwhelming 65+% majority of the US population is terrified of the less than 5% of radical African Americans that think like you delusional clowns do.
we feel ya, we had the KKK
in the 1920s they use to march the streets, now its BLM. History trying to repeat itself by continuing the HATE.
Love you, stay safe <3
They are ignorant of the gun laws. They are ignorant about Mumia’s case. They think it’s okay to shoot cops. Why would any sane person take them seriously??
Roycee: all niggers must die. Black people are fine. But niggers are filthy, disgusting animals that have been allowed to run wild for too long. Your time is coming. Believe me.
and libs say republicans are uneducated and ignorant.
The BLM is a pet project and are being used as armed street thugs of the left. The left loves to project their insecurities on to the right . Hatred, intolerance, racism, fear, paranoia.
When you start researching the democratic party, modern communism and black supremacy it becomes clear whats happening.
Read what modern american communists are saying and what their plan is they are not hiding it.
“John Bachtell, chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA, said in a lengthy essay for “People’s World” that America needed a third political party committed to uphold labor — but until that time comes, communists ought to work with Democrats, especially in the coming elections.”
“It’s true both parties are dominated by Wall Street interests … [but] the Democratic Party is also home to labor, African Americans, Latinos, other communities of color, women, most union members, young people and a wide range of social and democratic movements … [and] labor and other key social forces are not about to leave the Democratic Party anytime soon,” Mr. Bachtell wrote.”
Marxists/communists have always used division to control its the old divide and conquer. The media is also controlled by the left and is nothing but a propaganda tool but very powerful to brainwash, couple this with the infiltration into Americas and europes school system and you see the fruits of this movement being bared.
A mass of confused, brainwashed drug addicted useful idiots. The goal of any political social movement is (a means to an end) to take control of resources and a population to secure wealth and power its the same on all sides. Democrats need a population they can keep in check with welfare, affirmative action and promises to provide a secure voting block (this is why they want open borders, immigrants who know zero about the USAs politics will vote for whomever is handing over money and housing period).
Communism is behind this and it seems to be siding with Islam and hoping to ride the. tiger of Islamic terrorism to power. First they must suppress all opposition, (nothing new) in this case disarm militias, federalize the police forces (central control) , take as many guns as possible away from their opposition (the right, republicans, veterans,anti communists), use racial tension to sew chaos every movement needs an armed wing to secure their grip.
Its always a war for minds and bodies this is just one side that is pushing very hard and escalating their agenda.
I tried to tell you all!! The racism today are these blacks with this mindset!!
Just because a white person says they’re against BLM doesn’t mean they’re against black people. It means they’re against a group that stands for how much they hate white people, cops and violence. There’s good people and there’s bad people from every race. When a white guy gets shot by a cop 99% of the time he deserved it, same with every other skin color. You would not see white people protesting for some white thug. We frown down upon that no matter what color you are. So showed everyone else.
It’s hard to take this movement seriously. What I mainly despise about this “movement” is the extremely cancerous way of thinking they have against anyone who’s against them or has any form of criticism. If a black person criticized them, they’re immediately called a sellout, a “coon”, or an Uncle Tom. If someone white criticizes them, they’re immediately branded racist. What they want is segregation which is they supposedly don’t want in the first place.
U can’t love these white devil fam they r tha devil that the bible talks about fam smh and they are always hate us fam
also hate itself is a shame it comes to all of this
Welcome to America my friend lmao enjoy…
Soooo, they’re in Scranton PA doing this where the European American population is above 85% and the African American population is 8% of the population. Meanwhile, those dummies defending them are the same idiots that they’re talking about. How they defending these idiots when they’re talking about all European Americans? They allowing their “White guilt” to cloud their judgement on the reality of the situation.