#BlackLivesMatter unleash ANTI-WHITE RACISM against Polish-American freelance journalist at protest!

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In December of 2015, a Polish-American freelance journalist who's also a local politician went to cover a small #BlackLivesMatter protest in Scranton Pennsylvania, which by the way IS an open-carry state. But the vile racial hatred he received by #BlackLivesMatter protesters & white anti-white racists within the movement once again reared its ugly head showing the real side of #BlackLivesMatter. They were protesting for the release of CONVICTED COP KILLER & former Black Panther, Mumia Abu Jamal aka Wesley Cook who ambushed, shot & killed a WHITE police officer named Daniel Faulkner on December 9th, 1981 when officer Faulkner pulled over Jamal's brother, William Cook for driving the wrong way down a one way street. William, who witnessed the murder NEVER testified on behalf of his brother during any of the trials.

After his conviction in 1982, Mumia Abu Jamal sat on death row for nearly 30 years. On December 7th 2011, just a few days shy of the 30th anniversary of officer Faulkner's murder, it was announced with officer Faulkner's widow Maureen, that the death penalty was removed off the table & instead Mumia Abu Jamal will spend the rest of his life in prison WITHOUT the possibility of parol. Just like those in the 'Free Mumia' campaigns/movements, #BlackLivesMatter has now joined forces in demanding the release of this convicted cop killer. This is the 2ND CONVICTED COP KILLER the #BlackLivesMatter movement openly advocates for & stands in solidarity with. The other cop killer is Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who's the inspiration behind #BlackLivesMatter according to the 3 black radical militant co-founders of the movement.

Mumia Abu Jamal became somewhat of a celebrity prisoner & was named a 'political prisoner' by his minions. He did a pre-recorded commencement speech for Goddard College, made numerous audio recordings as a so-called journalist & soaked up all the media attention that came his way, all while sitting on death row! But while the media focused on this convicted cop killer & his herds of minions, many forgot who the real victim in this case was; officer Daniel Faulkner. His widow Maureen, spent those last 30 years fighting with everything she had to get justice for her police officer husband who was murdered in cold blood by former Black Panther Mumia Abu Jamal.

By a miracle for some, a filmmaker who is BLACK decided to make a documentary about the case of officer Daniel Faulkner. Tigre Hill spent 4 YEARS making this incredible documentary while educating himself with every bit of informational facts about the case. He called it 'The Barrel Of A Gun' & released it in 2010. For pro-police supporters, it was an amazing documentary & this black filmmaker was looked at as a hero by many for bringing facts to light that supported the side of police. But when Tigre Hill concluded in his documentary that Mumia Abu Jamal had indeed fired the fatal shots into officer Faulkner's body, he became something of a hate figure for the black so-called radicals & their braindead white leftwing fellow travellers. Those in the 'Free Mumia' campaigns/movements branded him a race traitor & an 'uncle Tom' vowing to never accept him in the black community after the documentary was released.

A blog written on May 10th, 2016 shared information from Johanna Fernandez who's not only an activist, but leads 1 of the free Mumia movements. She's the 1 who helped deliver 'get well' letters to Mumia Abu Jamal that a first year 3rd grade teacher made her 8 year old students write to him when he was in the hospital due to diabetes. Johanna is putting a new book out of compiling essays written recently by Mumia Abu Jamal. Here's a direct quote from Johanna Fernandez- " Mumia Abu-Jamal does not languish in prison because of a wrongful conviction. He continues to serve time locked in a steel cage because of the US Empire's need to repress the memory, ideology, and practice of the Black Liberation movement that he helped, and still helps, lead."

So, convicted COP KILLER Mumia Abu Jamal CONTINUES to help lead The Black Liberation Movement which is the SAME movement all 3 black militant #BlackLivesMatter co-founders said they are working to tactically re-build with their movement. The Black Liberation Movement is based on black theology which is RACIST!


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