
CALL TO ACTION for Nydia Tisdale, Citizen Journalists (see description)

Originally posted by Theresa R link to original video Please consider contacting the persecutors District Attorney Lee Darragh and Assistant District Attorney Conley Greer and respectfully request that the charges against citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale be rescinded. Dawson County District Attorney (DA) Lee Darragh Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Conley Greer (706) 344-3620 phone (706) 344-3622 fax Dawson County District Attorney’s Office 25 Justice Way, Suite 3321 Dawsonville, GA 30534 Please $upport Nydia Tisdale via PayPal at Do not allow political ambitions of the Blue Line to permit malicious prosecution to occur unchallenged.

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Written by daily reporters

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  1. Another Blue ISIS Domestic Terrorist Attack on American soil. Now the Blue ISIS terrorist member wants to be sherrif. Most likely to plan more terrorist attacks against We The People on our own land.

  2. It is called the FIRST AMENDMENT! She will win a huge settlement from this! Dirty politics they want to silence her because the cop is no running for office! This is a clear case of intimidation of a witness! Call the ACLU, DoJ and the FBI!

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